During years 2022 and 2023 I have conducted nine embroidery workshops in participatory project called CIRCLES. Each workshop took place in a different city in Poland - Kielce, Warsaw, Koluszki, Łódź, Wrocław, Kraków, Milanówek, Olsztyn, Białystok. During workshops women embroidered their portraits - prepared and draw by me. The work of almost 120 women was presented at the Central Textile Museum in Łódź as part of the Łódź Design Festival'23.
statements of project participants (watch on YouTube with translation)
exhibition in Central Museum of Textiles in Łódź - as a parto of Łódź Design Festival'23

one of a participants of the workshop with her embroidered portrait

workshop in Cracow

workshop in Wroclaw

workshop in Łódź

workshop in Milanówek

workshop in Olsztyn

workshop in Koluszki

workshop in Olsztyn

workshop in Warsaw

workshop in Kielce